Deference (Honour, Respect, Veneration) and Venerability...

Ehrfurcht (Ehrung, Ehrerbietung, Ehrwürdigung) und Ehrwürdigkeit sind die Urkräfte aller Erkenntnis
Deference (Honour, Respect, Veneration) and Venerability are the Primal Powers of all Cognition

By Vibka Wallder, 8th December 2012

This is the first ‘rule of order’ (Ordnungsregel) listed in the book Genesis[1] which is then followed by 143 interpreting explanations. The rules were transmitted to Billy in 1975 from the pure spirit level Petale.

Here are the first three explanations, which I would like to investigate further:

“1. Ehrfurcht (Ehrung, Ehrerbietung, Ehrwürdigung) und Ehrwürdigkeit (Heiligung) sind die grundlegenden Voraussetzungen, die urtümlichen Kräfte aller Erkenntnisse.“ (Genesis p. 79)

“1. Deference (honour, respect, veneration) and venerability (honouring) are the fundamental pre-conditions, the primeval powers of all cognition.”

Symbol for Ehrfurcht - Deference[2]
“ 2. Das bedeutet, dass im Menschen ehrwürdige Ehrfurcht (Ehrung, Ehrerbietung, Ehrwürdigung, Ehrwürdigkeit) vor und in allen Dingen herrschen muss, wenn er Erkenntnisse erlangen will.“ (Genesis p. 79)

“2. That means that in the human being, venerable deference (honour, respect, veneration, and venerability) for and in all things must prevail if he/she wants to obtain cognition.”

“3. Ehrwürdig (heilig) sind alle Dinge, sowohl die positiven wie auch die negativen, die in gleichem Masse geachtet werden sollen in Ehrfurcht (Ehrung, Ehrerbietung), insofern sie keiner Ausartung anheimfallen.“ (Genesis p. 79)

“3. Venerable (honourable) are all things, the positive ones as well as the negative ones, which must  be respected in deference (honour, respect) in equal measure, as long as they do not fall prey to any Ausartung.

I’d like to give two examples of how I witnessed the rules being violated. Both examples come from my work in an Australian country hospital, and the fact that they are still so fresh in my mind, shows what impact it can have on other human beings if we do not follow these principles.

First example: An older doctor calls me over to the front of the nurses’ station, from where we can look into the room opposite. He points to a bed on the right with the words, “Do you see that man over there? I want you to treat him with respect, because he is an OBE (Order of the British Empire)”.  

I responded to the doctor by putting my hands on my hips and saying, “I treat all my patients with respect, thank you very much”, turned on my heels and went back to work.

The second example: One day during handover the nurses were talking about a young female indigenous person. She was about 16 years old and had her tonsils removed two days earlier. The nurse handing over finished her report with a snide tone of voice, “…and she hasn’t had a shower yet!” As it happened, I was assigned to the room, so I went into the room, greeted my patients, checked all their charts in order to prioritise my workload, and then I asked the young girl, who was still on intravenous fluids, “Would you like me to assist you with a shower?” With big round eyes and a surprised look on her face she asked, “Can I have a shower?” So it appeared to me that this poor girl did not know that she could have a shower whilst on a drip, and it seemed that my colleagues had not bothered offering her the appropriate assistance. Could it be that they had some prejudice towards indigenous people and that they had neglected her and failed in their duty of care?
So let’s go back to the first two explanations:

Deference (honour, respect, veneration) and venerability (honouring) are the fundamental pre-conditions, the primeval powers of all cognition, and that means that it must prevail in us if we want to obtain cognition.
So how do we develop ‘…deference for and in all things’ and make it prevail?    

Freedom and peace on this planet can only be obtained with deference, honour, respect and veneration. Many of us may think that we are already doing our bit towards freedom and peace on this planet and that we are not the ones causing all the trouble, because we are not fighting with our neighbours and we are peace loving in general. It’s usually the others that are upsetting the apple cart. However, if every night we honestly reflect back on our day and think about our thoughts, words and actions, we will probably find that we have strayed off the path somewhere along the line and that there is room for improvement, because every thought of envy, jealousy, dislike, hatred and so forth can subconsciously lead to a negative word or action, which in turn then breaches this first rule of order.

Contributing to freedom and peace means that we consider and respect others’ right to decide, their wishes, their needs and personalities and that we do not try to curtail their way of life; that we do not try to push our opinion on them in the slightest manner. It means that we accept others as they are, with their peculiarities, ideas, wishes, needs and so forth, and that we do not try to change them, or judge them in any way.

The only person one can change for the better is oneself, and if we develop more deference, honour, respect and veneration within us we will gain cognition and contribute to peace in this world.

Symbol for Erkenntnis - Cognition

“Nur durch das Erschaffen von Erkenntnissen vermag sich der Mensch Wissen und Weisheit sowie wahre Liebe aufzubauen”. [4]

“Only through the creation of cognition is the human being able to build up knowledge and wisdom as well as true love”, which are fundamental to our evolution.

The abilities and powers for it rest idle in our consciousness and we can experience everything and obtain cognition, knowledge, wisdom and love if we develop certain powers within us through studying the spiritual teaching, thinking about it, working through it, applying it to our daily life and thus developing the powers of understanding and ability.

Petale further states in the ‘interpreting explanations’ that the door to cognition opens according to a distinct ‘rule of order’ (Ordnungs-Regel); and below I have summarised a few points from the explanations:



  1. Meier, BEA 1975/2011, GENESIS (Schöpfungs-Genesis), 2. Auflage, Wassermannzeit-Verlag, CH-8495 Schmidrüti, Schweiz [available in German only] (page 79).
  2. Meier, BEA 2004, Symbole der Geisteslehre, Wassermannzeit-Verlag, CH-8495 Schmidrüti, Schweiz [available in German only].
  3. Meier, BEA 2004, Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4, Wassermannzeit-Verlag, CH-8495 Schmidrüti, Schweiz [available in German only] (page 415)
  4. Meier, BEA 2012, Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens, Wassermannzeit-Verlag, CH-8495 Schmidrüti, Schweiz [available in German only] (page 11)