
From time to time errors are discovered in FIGU texts and translations. Please check here to read about any recently discovered errors and make the relevant corrections. Corrected text is in red.

Introduction to Meditation

The following errors have been found in the first printing of Introduction to Meditation:

Page xviii: Leid, Leiden: nouns. According to Billy, ‘Leid’ has the meaning of a ‘psychical-moral, negative state’ and ‘Leiden’ means ‘ununderstanding, misunderstanding and so on, which affects the morale and psyche’. ‘Leid’ and ‘Leiden’ means that the event affects the psyche and therefore is not to be translated with ‘suffering’ or ‘affliction’ which pertain more to the physical body.

Page 20, sentence beginning in line 4: Billy also was on his own on August 3, 1965, near Iskenderun, Turkey, when a prediction was fulfilled – given to him by Asket, his extraterrestrial teacher for many years – and Billy lost his left arm during a spectacular bus accident.

Page 319, sentence 535: From FIGU: Eine Korrekturmeldung bzw. Ergänzung zum Buch "Introduction to Meditation", Seite 319, Satz 535:"Die Steuer- und Kommandozentrale Unterbewusstes ist zuständig für die schwingungsmässige Verbindung von Unbewusstem zu anderen Unbewussten (innenexterne Kommunikation/Verständigung) sowie zum Unterbewussten.

“ Correction notification, i.e. addition to the book, “Introduction to Meditation”, page 320, sentence 535: “The subconsciousness, the centre of control and command, is responsible for the swinging wave connection of one unconscious to other unconsciousnesses (inner-external communication/connection, network) as well as to the subconscious.”

Page 438 (index), under the term ‘THE MEDITATION’, number 1) “Das Beobachten”, is to be replaced with “The Observation”.


The following errors have been found in the first printing of Decalogue/Dodecalogue:

Page 20 / line 23 - Her love of truth was caught up in the belief in her religion and accordingly, she falsified the instructions into unvalues of her cultish religion.

Correction: His love of truth was caught up in the belief in his religion and accordingly, he falsified the instructions into unvalues of his cultish religion.

Page 60 / line 221 - However, we already gave these instructions and messages earlier to a human being of your world, word for word, the same as now nevertheless; however, our messages and instructions were falsified and completely altered into cultish-religious sense, thus she forfeited the truth and created new irrational teachings.

Correction: However, we already gave these instructions and messages earlier to a human being of your world, word for word, the same as now nevertheless; however, our messages and instructions were falsified and completely altered into cultish-religious sense, thus they (the messages and instructions) forfeited the truth and generated new irrational teachings.

Page 148 / line 614 - ....consciencelessly falsified all of our instructions to unrecognisability, based loosely on her prejudiced sense in cultish religion.

Correction: ....consciencelessly falsified all of our instructions to unrecognisability, based loosely on his prejudiced sense in cultish religion.

Page 148 / line 615 - Thus she also omitted the two remaining recommendations, which were thus handed down to her...

Correction: Thus he also omitted the two remaining recommendations, which were thus handed down to him...

The Way to Live

The following errors have been found in the first printing of The Way to Live (updated 10/12/2023):

Page 82, 2nd paragraph, 4th line from the bottom, "The tree also knows neither joy nor pain with the giving, because it lets the fruit grow for all, both for the poor and the rich as well as for animals and insects".

Page 115, Bottom of page, "... – bis hin über 1049 verschiedene Schöpfungsformen in unendlicher Zahl zum Absoluten Absolutum".

Page 118, top of page, "... as for the Creation itself right up to over 1049 different forms of Creation in unending number, up to the Absolute Absolutum.

Page 170, 204), "If a family is led well and rightfully, then poverty and miserable circumstances are shaming; but if it is led badly and unrightfully, then wealth and grandeur bring disgracefulness.

Page 172, 207), "However great and absolutely fully developed a human being’s work may be, it never equals the sublimeness of the creational".

Page 196, 263) 4th line, "..., if he/she considers uprightness before benefiting and laughs only..."

Page 202, 8th line from bottom, "They are all determining, and they are interwoven in a unity through which the life and the death – that is to say, the becoming and passing – can first become existent".

Page 246, 356) I, Rely on the truth of the creational laws and recommendations andnot on the personality of a human being; consequently, a human being ought not to ever rely on the personality of a teacher, rather solely on the teacher’s message, and indeed only when it corresponds to the truth in true form.

Page 288, 3rd line from top, "It is therefore important that the change towards knowledge and truth is carried out in every moment so that a positive equalisedness of the consciousness is guaranteed, through which the harmony, love and righteousness are created just as much as is satisfaction, virtuousness, honesty and consciousness of responsibility.

Page 338, 9th line from the top, "Just as human beings are extremely often at the mercy of the compulsion to repeat in the material life, thus is also the consciousness-block – which, along with the spirit, crosses over into a realm of the other world – is defenceless, during the time of the death, against all arising thoughts, feelings, emotions and fine-spiritual-perceptions.

Page 362, 427), "In the sea of the consciousness’s motions, both gentle as well as rough waves appear, whereby the gentle ones are formed of love, peace, harmony and equalisedness, while the rough ones assert themselves as unpeace, hate and greed as well as negative emotions and thoughts and jealousy, and so forth".

Page 366, 429) 7th line, "Because of that, many a great statesman led his people and country into blatant misery, into wars and catastrophes and had to lose his own life on account of it.

Page 368, 431) 4th line, "It therefore becomes thereby recognisable that the subatomic level is a constant becoming, and passing, and a coming again, in which energy changes into mass and mass to energy, whereby fleeting fine-fluidal andhigh-fine-fluidal forms suddenly become existent and become palpable material states, however, only to...

Page 388, 5th line from the top, "Ageing, decline, being handicapped and being of a different kind, are simply pushed away or one attempts to exterminate them with hate, terror and other means of Gewalt.

Page 446, 11th line from the bottom of the first section, "The true view of the reality, which until then was wrongly seen and wrongly assessed, and which one believed to know so well, ..."

The reader may also notice that this book contains only 500 verses whereas in the introduction it is described as containing 502 verses. '502' is an error which occurred in the German text.

Might of the Thoughts

In both editions of Might of the Thoughts the word 'principal' is erroneously written instead of 'principle'. In the first edition this occurs on pages 326 and 354 and in the second edition on pages 296 and 322.

Important error in the first edition of Might of the Thoughts - ISBN: 978-0-646-59477-4.

On page 36, in the eighth line of the second paragraph, it states, "Therefore, a human being with pure and positively-formed thoughts..." This is wrong. It should state, "Therefore, no human being with pure and positively-formed thoughts ..."